Earned SG4W Emerging Leader Award!

Itza Reyes
4 min readNov 7, 2022


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Finding out that I was nominated for recognition as an Emerging Leader of Software Gurú and then discovering that I had won made me extremely happy.

About SG4W 💜

SG 4 Women is Software Gurú’s initiative to support the inclusion of women in technology. I have attended and participated in their events, such as DevDay4Women, and I have seen how they achieve their mission with their content that seeks to inspire, connect and empower us so that we can develop our profession.

The nomination 💬

It was an ordinary day at work when I saw a message on the company’s Slack promoting them to vote for me since I was one of the nominees. The surprise was huge because I didn’t expect it.

They began to share the nomination on social networks, and I started to receive messages from close people, people with whom I had collaborated on previous jobs or some projects. All these messages were full of support.

It was very nice to remember the path I’ve been through and to know that although there are people I no longer frequent, there is something that connects us.

I entered the profile of the other women nominees and was very excited to see everything they do, and it just made me want to do more. To be able to contribute and support more people, especially women.

Quite honestly, I didn’t even consider the option of winning; I just focused on enjoying the process.

The awards event 🏆

On Friday afternoon, SG wrote to tell me the news, but when I read the message, I didn’t understand if it was to notify me that I had won the prize or was just a notice to connect to the session where this would be confirmed. In hindsight, I feel like that was my impostor syndrome creeping in.

Once connected backstage, I discovered that the one who deserved the recognition was me.

In this one, I had the opportunity to share space, talk and laugh with other very talented women with whom I would love to collaborate. Shortly after, we entered the air.

I enjoyed the broadcast and the moment of my mention. Here you can see it and see my thank you speech :D

https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1gqGvyzzWbkKB Minute 20:15

My learnings 💪

  • The effort and work are always noticed.
  • Recognition is not always going to be instant; there are times when it will happen unexpectedly, as SG4W was for me.
  • The impostor syndrome manifests itself very strongly in me; even having a message giving me the news of being deserving of the award and people around me confirming that it was true, my mind still did not believe it.
  • I must not minimize my achievements; they are valuable.
  • There are more and more women supporting other women, and I can contribute to it. I’ve had good experiences being a woman and being in tech. Sometimes that’s why I don’t like to talk much about it because I know that my experience doesn’t represent everyone’s (this is the subject for a full post) but initiatives like SG4W show that I can contribute to making this a reality and normality.

Next steps 🚀

I am very interested in continuing to learn and prepare myself in the topics that I am passionate about software, to make better developments, deepen concepts and find best practices to contribute better.

I have a great desire to do many things, to look for new projects and to connect with more people because I know that through software, we can impact many people and do incredible things together.

Thank you ❤️

To all the people who have accompanied me on this path of the code, to those who nominated me 💕, to those who voted and spread the word ✨, to SG4W 💜 and to my family 🥰, who, although perhaps not all of them fully understand what they do a developer, they are always cheering me on.

Thank you for reading
If you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, I will be happy to read you and collaborate to grow together ❤️

Disclaimer: I am improving my English so the article may have some grammar and writing errors. I’ll keep getting better I promise

Visit http://www.itzareyes.mx/



Itza Reyes

Me encanta trabajar con personas, resolver problemas y crear software asombroso. | Tech Lead @Creditas | https://www.itzareyes.mx/